The start of our sustainability journey

A key feature of PCG is that we have been integrating sustainability aspects into our considerations and the development of the company from day one - in fact, from the very beginning, when we were preparing to establish the company. All structures and processes are scrutinised and aligned with ecological and social criteria.
Our solutions combine digitalisation and sustainability. The public cloud is the most sustainable way for companies to operate their IT infrastructures. We not only accompany our customers along their cloud journey into digital transformation, but also into sustainable transformation.
PCG is already implementing initial measures during the development of a comprehensive sustainability strategy:
- Travel-Policy
- GoGreen Shipping
- Merchandise
- Drinks
- Business Cards
Emissions, water, and electricity consumption are key issues in our industry. PCG supports its customers with its services in this area. By switching from on-premises (server-based models) to the public cloud, i.e., moving IT environments from their own data centres to the virtual cloud environment, companies are not affected by high energy prices or energy bottlenecks. They also reduce their CO2 emissions and water consumption, as less hardware is required in the self-managed data centre.
Objectives for greater sustainability
PCG will set itself quantitative and qualitative corporate targets in terms of sustainability. As already mentioned in the „Identification of material topics“ section, we will identify the relevant topics and therefore also the targets in 2023 and 2024 on the basis of a materiality analysis.
Our goals in the current report for 2022 were:
- Expansion of the carbon footprint to include Scope 3 emissions
- Consideration of all PCG locations (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Greece, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia)
- On this basis, the preparation of a new status quo report regarding our sustainability efforts

Diversity and equal opportunities

One goal that PCG has already set itself independently of the future sustainability strategy concerns the topic of diversity. Here, we want to play a special role in our industry. Our aim is to have an above-average proportion of female employees in our team for the IT sector. To this end, we have initiated numerous measures that are to be continuously expanded.
These include special events at universities to recruit female IT specialists. Job adverts are checked for specifically masculine or feminine terms and phrases using special software and reworded so as not to unconsciously discourage women from applying. Representatives of our Management Board are involved in supra-regional initiatives and networks such as the FIT Congress (Females in IT) organised by the Vogel IT Academy. In addition, various models are planned to improve the compatibility of work and family life so that (expectant) mothers can also have a secure and flexible job with us.
Utilised resources
As a service provider in the IT sector, PCG does not have direct access to the world's raw material reserves like the manufacturing industry. However, as a company with office locations, we also consume resources. For the operation of our offices, this mainly involves energy, water and space. We always ensure that we use the resources we need to carry out our business activities responsibly. We consider the environmental impact of our actions in all business decisions and operating processes. Furthermore, we incorporate our endeavors to conserve resources and reduce CO2 emissions into new developments. In order to promote and ensure this and to give the topic the necessary importance, it is directly assigned to the PCG Management Board.
PCG as an attractive employer
As an employer, we are aware of our responsibility towards our employees. For this reason, and because we want to motivate our employees and attract good talent, our health, and safety measures go above and beyond the legal requirements. For example, we offer our employees in Germany a company pension scheme and the EGYM Wellpass and subsidise the purchase of (e-)bicycles.

PCG always endeavours to harness the innovative power of its employees and involve them in decision-making processes - including when it comes to sustainability. Our employees are an important lever for effectively anchoring and implementing sustainability management within the company. We therefore actively involved our employees in the materiality analysis and subsequent definition of measures in 2023.

With this in mind, we hope you enjoy reading our sustainability report. May it not only inform you, but also motivate you. Your feedback is important to us - please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions with us.