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4 quick tips for Serverless developers


Are you a serverless developer? Don’t worry, it’s probably where you last had it.

Seriously though, sometimes being a serverless developer can be a busy occupation and you don’t have time for endless waffle. With that in mind, here are four super-quick good practices to consider when designing your serverless architecture:

  • Decompose your application into small, focused functions: Each function should have a single responsibility and be independently deployable. This modular approach allows for better scalability, maintainability, and cost optimization.
  • Leverage event-driven architectures: Serverless functions are well-suited for event-driven scenarios. Design your application to react to events, such as changes in a database, file uploads to storage, or incoming HTTP requests. This enables your functions to be triggered only when needed, reducing idle time and costs.
  • Use asynchronous processing: Many serverless platforms support asynchronous function invocations. Leverage this capability to decouple time-consuming tasks from the main request flow. This allows your application to respond quickly to user requests while offloading heavy processing to background functions.
  • Optimize function packaging: Package your functions with only the necessary dependencies and libraries. Avoid including large frameworks or unused code, as it increases the function's size and startup time. Use techniques like code splitting and lazy loading to further optimize your function packages.

By following these best practices and embracing the serverless mindset, you can unlock the full potential of serverless architecture. You'll be able to build scalable, cost-effective, and maintainable applications that can adapt to changing business requirements with ease.


Further Reading

There – that didn’t take too long, did it? Maybe that was even too quick? If you're looking to dive deeper into the world of serverless architecture, here are some great articles to expand your knowledge:

  • The Rise of Serverless Architecture: This article explores the evolution and benefits of serverless architecture, detailing how it shifts the burden of infrastructure management away from developers to cloud providers.
  • Server vs. Serverless in Cloud Computing: A comparative analysis of traditional server-based and serverless approaches, highlighting key differences in scalability, cost, and management.
  • 5 Benefits of Building Serverless Applications: Discover the top advantages of serverless applications, such as reduced operational costs, automatic scaling, and improved developer productivity.
  • Modernizing Ordering Systems: A real-life case study that demonstrates how serverless solutions can streamline and enhance modern ordering systems, offering insights into real-world applications and business benefits.

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