In our interview series, we present exciting cloud jobs and the people behind them. Daniel has already been employed since the end of 2016 and answered questions for us about himself and his day-to-day work as a Cloud Solutions Engineer:
1. What do you do in your job or what is your daily work routine like?
"My main task is to advise and support companies in building, setting up and operating a Google Cloud infrastructure. That means I design cloud software architectures and help customers set up and maintain their cloud systems."
2. What does cloud mean to you?
"For me, cloud means on the one hand being able to provide data and applications securely and, above all, reliably. On the other hand, cloud for me also means being able to work interactively with people, no matter where they happen to be."
3. What was your most exciting project?
"One of my most exciting projects was the implementation of an API-first strategy together with a large international IT service provider. Thanks to our support, they successfully introduced the API management platform Apigee Hybrid, which significantly simplified processes for the creation, security and monitoring of applications. To this end, we at Cloudwürdig first created the appropriate infrastructure with the Anthos Hybrid Cloud Management Platform. (More info about the project)
The project was exciting because it was the first of its kind in the German-speaking world and we used the latest Google Cloud products for it. That made me a bit proud - especially because we also received very good feedback from the customer.
4. What do you find most rewarding about your job?
"I find cloud technologies exciting and I like the fact that we contribute to digitization in companies with our services. What's particularly important to me is the relaxed way we interact with each other, both in our team and with Google. Even if you can't get anywhere on your own, you get support from all sides.
5. What are the key challenges you face?
"One of the biggest challenges of a cloud solutions engineer is to stay on top of the latest developments. Vendors are continuously working on optimising their systems and regularly launch new products. In general, you need a broad knowledge, but you build it up over time."
6. Why did you choose to work at Public Cloud Group?
"On the one hand, because it's close to me and I can cycle there. But above all, because I work with the latest technologies here. In my old job, I tended to deal with outdated systems. Now I feel like I'm really contributing to modernising the working world. As already mentioned, the great team also plays an important role, of course."
7. How did you become a Cloud Solutions Engineer?
"I studied engineering informatics at DHBW dual and graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering. Then I first worked at my training company for a few years. Before I started at this company, I had no contact with the cloud, but gradually I acquired the knowledge. Probably what helped me the most from my former job was my experience in the areas of system administration and software development - and that everyone had to have broad as well as specific knowledge as part of a small team, predominantly or even beyond their own area."
8. What qualities should someone aspiring to be a Cloud Solution Engineer possess?
"The prerequisite is, of course, a strong knowledge of IT and an open-mindedness towards cloud services. The job also requires flexibility, because no two projects are the same. It's also helpful if you have basic experience in administration topics, but sometimes it's simply a case of learning by doing.
9. What do you like to do in your free time?
"In my free time, I like to be active in sports as well as using the computer. My hobbies include riding my bike and flying kites, as well as kite buggy riding. You sit in a vehicle and let a kite pull you over the beach. Apart from that, I also like to grill from time to time.

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