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IDC study: 60% fewer security incidents using Google Chronicle

How effective is your current security technology really when it comes to protecting your business from cyber threats? The answer may not be as reassuring as you'd like. However, the good news is that there is a solution that can drastically improve your security posture: Google Chronicle Security Operations (SecOps).

A new IDC studyExternal Link commissioned by Google Cloud delivers impressive figures: Companies using Google Chronicle SecOps achieve a remarkable ROI of 407% over three years and a payback period of less than 7 months. This means that your investment will pay for itself in a very short time and bring you considerable savings in the long term.

But that's not all. The study also shows that Google Chronicle SecOps can reduce the risk of serious security incidents by up to 60%. That's a huge improvement that can protect your business from significant financial and reputational damage.

What makes Google Chronicle Security Operations so effective?

The answer is a combination of state-of-the-art technology, artificial intelligence and innovative functions:

  • Scalability without limits: No matter the size of your organization or the amount of data you have, Google Chronicle Security Operations grows with your needs. The platform can process enormous amounts of data without sacrificing performance, so you always have a full overview of your security situation.
  • Intelligent threat detection: Thanks to advanced threat intelligence and automated detection, Google Chronicle Security Operations is always one step ahead of cyberattacks. Threats are detected early and can be neutralized before they cause damage.
  • Increased efficiency through AI and automation: Routine tasks are automated so that your security teams can focus on strategic tasks. The result: greater efficiency and faster response times in the event of security incidents.

Google Chronicle: More than just security


Google Chronicle Security Operations is more than just a security solution - it's an investment in the future of your business. The platform not only provides comprehensive protection against cyber threats, but also increases efficiency and business success.

Download the full IDC white paperExternal Link to learn how Google Chronicle Security Operations can make your business more secure and successful.

SIEM and SOAR implemented in turnkey mode

Fast detection, fast response: Protect your company with our Google Chronicle SecOps turnkey offer. IT is the foundation of your business, and security is your necessary shield against the attacks lurking everywhere. Google Chronicle SecOps Turnkey offers you the ideal entry into the world of SIEM & SOAR - fast, efficient and tailored to your cloud environment. You can find more information in our Google Chronicle SecOps OfferingExternal Link.

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