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Why Use Managed Cloud Ops for Google Workspace?

In simple terms, Managed Cloud Operations for Google Workspace means that a service provider will take over the provision of your Google collaboration environment and manage it. So, for a monthly fee, they will provide a set of defined services, which may include IT services, reviews or training. In our blog post, you can learn more about the benefits of Managed Cloud Operations for Google Workspace with us and find out for whom the all-around carefree package is worthwhile.


Benefits of Managed Cloud Operations for Google Workspace

You benefit from our expertise and experience:
As a Google Cloud Premier Partner since 2008, we have already successfully supported numerous customers in the introduction and efficient use of Google Workspace. We therefore have the necessary know-how and experience it takes to efficiently and securely deploy Google's collaboration solution.

Relieving the burden on your IT:
A major benefit of Managed Cloud Operations for Google Workspace is obvious: Your IT managers have more time to focus on value-adding activities.

Compliance and security:
Benefit from maximum security thanks to experienced experts, fast response times and regular audits.

More speed:
We have standardized workflows so your business benefits from automated, secure and repeatable processes.

Whether you have 50, 1,000 or 10,000 employees — nothing changes for your IT in terms of Google Workspace. We take care of any necessary adjustments for you.

Stability of services:
Permanent monitoring and proactive action reduce complications and downtime to a minimum.

Increase ROI:
Optimize processes based on data. We identify unusual usage behaviour, e.g., based on the adoption rate of individual tools ("Only 10% of users use Google Meet? How do the others communicate?").

Always up-to-date thanks to regular reviews:
Cloud-based applications such as Google Workspace continuously receive new functions and setting options. We regularly inform you about new updates so that you can benefit from new options, improve processes and make data even more secure.

Contractual assurance beats internal accountability:
As a service provider who has contractually agreed to take care of administration, we usually act differently than an internal IT department would. Particularly in the case of maintenance tasks, there is a risk that they will get lost in their daily doings. As an MSP, on the other hand, we have to ensure that contractual obligations are met.

Who should consider Managed Cloud Operations for Google Workspace?

Managed service contracts are particularly suitable for companies that do not yet have their own administration for Google Workspace. The often time-consuming search for appropriate experts is no longer necessary, and you no longer need to worry about functioning administration and maintenance. Managed Cloud Operations can also be useful for strengthening your own resources. In particular, by handling tasks that do not require internal expertise, you can relieve the burden on your IT managers and give them the necessary freedom for other tasks. Last but not least, Managed Cloud Operations can also be of interest to companies that may have the necessary resources internally, but have the requirement to think outside the box. If you want to keep developing further and consistently expand your know-how, you should take a regular look at how others are doing it. In collaboration with an MSP, this is easily possible.

The size of the company, on the other hand, plays no role in the decision for or against managed cloud operations for Google Workspace. Even with small companies, it can be worthwhile if people invest a disproportionate amount of time in administration that they would rather invest in the development of their own company. However, the larger the company, the more complex the structures and the more you benefit from a transparent collaboration environment.

Who might not find Managed Cloud Operations for Google Workspace so beneficial?

Of course, it's also interesting to consider which companies should take on the management and maintenance of Google Workspace environments themselves. For instance, it might not be a good match for companies that already have good internal administration and who are able to continue their education regularly and exchange ideas effectively. It might not also be appropriate if your usage of Google Workspace is very limited. For example, if you only use Gmail for sending and receiving e-mails and tend to ignore other tools, you will not benefit to the extent that a managed service contract would be particularly worthwhile.

Start with us

Are you thinking about introducing Managed Cloud Operations for Google Workspace in your company? Just get in touch with us!

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