Choosing the right cloud sizing for your SAP landscape goes far beyond simply mirroring the current SAP Virtual Machine sizings one-to-one to the cloud.
In addition to Basic Cloud Sizing, we offer you a concept for an intelligent cloud sizing for your SAP environment.
Our software-based approach takes into account what is really needed from an application point of view. It prevents you from oversizing and provides you with a basis for decision-making from data-driven results and our in-depth SAP and cloud expertise. Thus, it may be smarter to make a small investment up front before permanently bearing oversized cloud costs.
"RaDAR" stands for Rapid Detection, Assessment and Recommendations. The software is installed and the preparations for the process are starting.
The “RaDAR” software is used to scan the current SAP landscape to collect data on CPU, RAM, storage, and SAPS.
Based on the landscape scan results, our architecture experts will review improvements and optimizations in the areas of adaptive design, system bundling, SLA targets and individual customer specifics.
A bill of materials and cost overview will be created adapted to the targeted SLA structure and optimizations.
Together with our experts, possible transitions will be discussed in consideration of SLA targets. An individualized assessment report will be created based on the adaptive SAP design including detailed recommendations for a cloud move.
Smart Cloud Sizing
Using Smart Cloud Sizing to find out what the SAP application really needs and preventing you from oversizing the cloud.
Our experts will optimize your cloud architecture according to SAPS performance requirements and individual SLA targets.
The landscape scan of the current SAP landscape using “RaDAR” provides you with solid results for your decisions and further steps of your SAP cloud journey.
With our Smart Cloud Sizing concept, you can leverage up to 50% of IaaS savings.
We are an experienced SAP Gold Partner specializing in SAP and infrastructure automation. With more than 4,000 successfully migrated SAP systems, we are a trusted advisor for companies embarking on their journey to the cloud. Our SAP Gold Partner status validates our expertise and experience in delivering successful SAP customer projects. The SAP PartnerEdge Sell for RISE with SAP certification enables us to resell SAP products, including RISE with SAP, and offer our customers more comprehensive solutions. We help companies with their digital transformation and offer services for the entire lifecycle of SAP projects, from consulting to implementation and ongoing support.
RISE with SAP is a Business-Transformation-as-a-Service, but it requires careful evaluation against other options. Consider cost, complexity, business objectives.
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