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Google Cloud Landing Zone

Starting your journey with Google Cloud can be daunting, but we make it effortless by establishing a Landing Zone. This foundation is key to creating and managing Google Cloud Platform (GCP) projects in an organisation. Our Landing Zone service encapsulates essential layers such as organisational structure and accounting, identity and access management, projects and billing, networking (inclusive of network setup, firewall rules, load balancing, VPN), and audit logging. All these components are constructed following Google design guidelines and with Terraform, ensuring a scalable, secure and efficient cloud environment.



Organisational Structure and Accounting

We set up a well-structured system that categorises all your Google Cloud resources, facilitating an easy way to manage and locate these resources.

Identity and Access Management

We ensure the right people have the right access to the right resources, promoting an enhanced security posture and preventing unauthorised access.

Network Configuration

We optimise your networking setup, including the firewall rules, load balancing, and VPN, ensuring efficient data flow, and network security.

Audit Logging

We establish comprehensive audit logging to track activities, which can aid in troubleshooting and maintain compliance with various regulations.

Benefits of Google Cloud Landing Zone

Streamlined Operations
Streamlined Operations

Efficiently manage Google Cloud resources with a well-structured system, enhancing operational efficiency and reducing time spent on managing cloud resources.

Improved Security
Improved Security

By employing best practices in identity and access management, we mitigate risks and enhance your organisation's cloud security posture.

Efficient Network Setup
Efficient Network Setup

With optimised network configurations, experience seamless data flow and robust network security across your Google Cloud resources.

Compliance and Governance
Compliance and Governance

Our implementation of audit logging aids in meeting compliance requirements and provides transparency into your GCP activities.

Terraform Automation
Terraform Automation

Utilise the power of Infrastructure as Code with Terraform, to create and manage your resources efficiently, reducing manual error and saving time.

Google Cloud Landing Zone

Google Cloud Landing Zone

  • Start your Google Cloud journey with a robust and secure foundation.

  • Structured organisation and accounting setup

  • Best practices in Identity and Access Management

  • Optimised network configurations, firewall rules, load balancing and VPN

  • Comprehensive audit logging

  • Utilise Terraform for efficient infrastructure management

Our Google Partnership

Google Cloud Specializations
Customer Launches
Google Cloud Certifications

We proudly count ourselves among the pioneers of the European Google Cloud scene. As a certified Google Premier Partner and Managed Service Provider (MSP), we are leaders in the European Google Cloud ecosystem. Our expertise spans migrating diverse workloads to Google Cloud, optimising Google Workspace environments, and smart device management. With certifications in Work Transformation Enterprise, Infrastructure and Cloud Migration, we are your trusted partner for achieving operational excellence and innovation.

Our Clients

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Read About Our Experience With Google Cloud Landing Zone

IDC & Google Study: Companies Choosing Cloud Security

Companies are increasingly prioritising cloud security, a recent IDC study reveals. The study was commissioned by Google and surveyed 2,000 IT leaders globally.

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The most important announcements at Google Cloud Next '24

Google Cloud Next, Google's most important cloud conference, took place in Las Vegas from April 9 to 11. You can find the most significant information in our blog article!

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PCG renews Google Cloud "Infrastructure" specialization

The Public Cloud Group has held the Google Cloud Partner Specialization in Infrastructure since 2018. We are pleased to announce that we have now successfully renewed it.

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Ippen Digital Chooses Google Workspace

Ippen Digital, Europe's largest regional news network, embraced Google Workspace for seamless collaboration and enhanced productivity.

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