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Introducing The New Google Cloud Backup And DR Solution

When IT becomes a critical factor

Digital transformation has now reached almost every company. Regardless of the size of your company and the industry in which you operate, the number of digital processes is increasing year by year. This is also accompanied by the amount of (sensitive) data that resides in your IT infrastructure. Every use of IT involves risks in the area of IT security. The protection of data and the security of the IT infrastructure are therefore indispensable.


It is almost impossible to completely prevent cyber attacks. One of the most effective means of protecting data is not prevention, but a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery strategy. It is effective not only in the event of attacks on the IT infrastructure, but also in the event of major incidents such as power outages or natural disasters. And, of course, in the event of user errors or other reasons that make it necessary to restore data.

Backup and disaster recovery in the public cloud

When it comes to Backup and Disaster Recovery, it's worthwhile considering a Public Cloud solution, such as Google Cloud. This approach enables cost-effective, secure, and highly available Disaster Recovery implementation. Specifically, from a security perspective, it's advisable to move away from an on-premises data center and leverage the benefits of Google Cloud. But what advantages does a Public Cloud solution offer over an on-premises data center solution?

The advantages of using a backup and disaster recovery solution in the public cloud are obvious. In particular, companies benefit from cost savings through the flexibility and scalability of the cloud - with maximum security, availability and state-of-the-art encryption. Compared to their own data center, companies only pay for the storage capacity that is actually needed. This can massively reduce the cost of internal IT expenditure. At the same time, a public cloud provider like Google Cloud meets important standards and has certifications, such as BSI C5. And by choosing the cloud location, your backup will still be located in your own geographic area. In addition, the popular backup solutions from Veeam, NetApp, Actifio, and many more are supported. So you can continue to rely on the solution you've relied on for years.

Google Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery

After exploring the reasons for a comprehensive backup and disaster recovery strategy and getting to know the benefits of a public cloud solution, we now take a detailed look at the new Backup and DR solution from Google Cloud:

The core of the new solution is an intuitive, centralized backup management directly from the Google Cloud Admin Console. You or your administrator team can easily create application and crash-resistant backups for VMs on Compute Engine, VMware Engine, or on-premises, databases (such as SAP, MySQL, and SQL Server), and file systems. This provides you with a comprehensive overview of your backups, meaning you spend less time on management and can be sure that your data backup is consistent and complete.

In addition, "Google Cloud Backup and DR" stores the backup data in its original, application-readable format. Therefore, they can be made available directly from long-term backup storage (e.g., using cost-effective cloud storage) without the need for time-consuming data migration or translation. This speeds up the recovery of important files and supports the rapid resumption of critical business processes.

In terms of total cost of ownership (TCO), Google Cloud Backup and DR offers an excellent solution aimed at keeping costs as low as possible. Google Cloud Backup and DR have been designed to utilize the space-saving "Incremental Forever" storage technology to ensure that you only pay for what you actually need. With "incremental backup forever," after the initial backup by Google Cloud Backup and DR, only the data related to changes compared to the previous backup is stored during subsequent backups. This allows backups to be captured more quickly, reduces the network bandwidth required for transferring the associated data, and minimizes the storage space consumed by backups, resulting in lower storage costs for you.

But what does it actually look like in the Google Cloud Admin Console? You can find out all of this and more in this video:

Getting started in the Google Cloud

The topic of backup and disaster recovery in particular is an excellent way to take your first steps in the public cloud and enjoy the many benefits for your company. But it is also worth evaluating the new solution for existing Google Cloud users - together with our experts.

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