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Windows Device Management with Google Workspace

The potential is great, yet the feature is hardly recognized: Companies using Google Workspace can not only centrally manage user accounts in the Google Admin Console, but also oversee Microsoft Windows devices. As an admin, you can configure the devices to enable secure one-time authentication through Google's Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality.

In this blog post, you'll learn more about how to simplify the management of your Windows devices while increasing security.

What are the benefits of Windows device management with Google Workspace?

  • Centralized Management: By logging in via Google, you benefit from the advantages of the cloud. This enables you to centrally manage devices online through the Google Admin Console, replacing your local Microsoft Active Directory.
  • Cost and Time Savings: This not only saves you money on Microsoft licenses but also reduces workload. Consequently, your IT department gains more time for value-added tasks.
  • Enhanced Security: With user management happening in the cloud and the option to integrate it into Google Workspace's security framework, you gain access to Google's advanced security features. Additionally, as an admin, you can perform a remote wipe of devices to safeguard sensitive data in case of loss or theft. You can also implement security policies such as Bitlocker usage or Windows application restrictions as needed.
  • Improved User Experience: Single Sign-On (SSO) logins place users directly in the browser, ensuring settings are applied consistently across devices.

Steps for Successful Implementation

  1. Install the Google Credential Provider for Windows (GCPW) and Chrome
    To allow users to sign in with your company's Google Account on a Windows device, you must install the Google Credential Provider for Windows (GCPW) and the Chrome browser. You can then configure policies such as the number of "offline days" and the allowed domains.
  2. Windows device management
    Windows device management lets you configure and manage enrolled devices from the Google Admin console. In this way, company guidelines can be enforced and security standards can be implemented.

    A large number of management options are available via Custom OMA-URI. This allows administrators to make settings for Windows systems, for example, to change access rights for certain applications or to define special network settings.

    You can also install applications (via MSI) and configure them using ADMX templates. Reporting functions offer meaningful insights into the app versions that are in use on the devices. This is important to ensure all devices are up to date.

    The Windows device management can also be used without a Google login. This is interesting for certain scenarios, such as using virtual machines.

    (More information, e.g. on requirements, can be found hereExternal Link.)

Advantages with PCG

To make Windows device management with Google Workspace even easier for you, we have developed a concept that supports user-driven enrollment, giving you additional flexibility.

In addition, we have developed a tool that makes it easier to push applications (MSI). The tool allows you to quickly and easily install applications on employees' devices. It is possible to use your own MSI installer, such as to deploy PowerShell scripts or .exe files. This improves the initial start-up and user experience.

We have also enhanced Google's cloud-based Chrome browser management with additional functions. For example, you have the option of managing all profiles of a device and thus preventing private use of the devices. This means more safety and efficiency in everyday work.

Contact us now

Do you have general questions about Windows device management with Google Workspace or do you want to benefit from our presented solutions? Just get in touch with us!

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