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Pain-free migration from Amazon Workdocs


Amazon recently dropped a bombshell by announcing the discontinuation of its WorkDocs file storage and collaboration solution, with support scheduled to end on April 25, 2025. If you're currently using WorkDocs, you might be feeling a bit stranded, wondering about the fate of your data and the next steps to take.

The discontinuation of WorkDocs poses significant challenges, especially if your business relies heavily on it for collaboration and file storage. You're faced with the task of finding a suitable alternative that meets your needs without causing disruption to your workflow.

What are your options?

Whenever you’re trying to replace something that you’ve grown used to over a period of time, it’s rare to find a solution that’s identical in every way to what you had before, so it’s good to measure your expectations and be prepared to adapt to something new. Bearing that in mind, let's take a closer look at some of the alternatives available:

  • Amazon S3: Amazon Simple Storage ServiceExternal Link (S3) is a scalable object storage service that offers high durability, security, and performance. It can be used to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web. S3 is a great option if you primarily need file storage without the collaboration features of WorkDocs.
  • Amazon WorkSpaces: If you require a fully managed virtual desktop solution, Amazon WorkSpacesExternal Link is worth considering. It provides users with a cloud-based virtual desktop, accessible from various devices. While it may not be a direct replacement for WorkDocs, it offers a secure environment for accessing and sharing files.
  • Third-Party Solutions: There are numerous third-party file storage and collaboration platforms available, such as Dropbox, Google Drive and Microsoft OneDrive. NextcloudExternal Link is particularly relevant as it offers features similar to WorkDocs, including file storage, sharing, and collaboration tools, and can be self-hosted or deployed in your own cloud environment for maximum control and customization.

When consider your choices, the important thing is to evaluate each option based on your specific requirements, such as security, integrations, and pricing. Additionally, consider factors such as ease of use, scalability, and the level of customer support provided by the vendor.

With so many options to choose from, it's natural to feel overwhelmed but you don't have to navigate this process alone. There are many helpful resources available, such as online forums dedicated to cloud storage and collaboration tools, where you can get advice from other users who have gone through similar migrations.

Questions to ask before your migration


Of course, if we’re talking about advice, you could also do much worse than seeking the help of experienced professionals just like us at PCG! On top of a wealth of technical experience, we’re well versed with solving migration challenges just like yours. For example, here are some key questions to we’d walk you through when evaluating potential alternatives:

  1. Does the solution meet your organization's security and compliance requirements?
  2. Can it integrate seamlessly with your existing tools and workflows?
  3. Is the pricing model transparent and cost-effective for your needs?
  4. Does the platform offer the necessary collaboration features, such as file sharing, version control, and real-time editing?
  5. Is the user interface intuitive and easy to navigate for your team members?
  6. Can the solution scale as your organization grows and your storage needs increase?
  7. What level of customer support and documentation is available to help with onboarding and troubleshooting?

By carefully assessing your options based on these criteria, you can make an informed decision and choose a WorkDocs alternative that aligns with your business needs and goals. Also remember that migrating to a new file storage and collaboration platform is not just a technical challenge; it also requires careful planning, communication, and user training.

Making the Transition


Once we've identified the most suitable alternative for your organization, the next step would be to plan and execute the migration process. Here are some key steps we’d help you consider:

  1. Assessing your current setup: The first phase would be to take inventory of your existing WorkDocs structure, including folders, files, and permissions. This will help you map out the migration process and ensure that nothing is overlooked.
  2. Choosing the right migration tool: Amazon offers a Data Migration tool that can help you transfer your data from WorkDocs to your chosen alternative. However, depending on your specific requirements, you may need to explore third-party migration tools or seek assistance from a migration partner like PCG.
  3. Setting up your new environment: Before initiating the migration, we’d help you ensure that your new file storage and collaboration environment is properly configured. This typically includes setting up user accounts, defining access permissions, and creating the necessary folder structure.
  4. Performing the migration: With your new environment set up and your migration tool ready, next comes the migration process itself. This may involve transferring files in batches, ensuring data integrity, and validating the migrated content.
  5. Training your users: Once the migration is complete, it's crucial to provide training and support to your users to help them adapt to the new platform. With our help, you’d be able to provide all the right material, which might include documentation, video tutorials, or hands-on workshops to familiarize them with the new interface and features.
  6. Monitoring and optimization: After the migration, keeping a close eye on the performance of your new file storage and collaboration solution is essential. Following a clear plan, you’ll monitor user adoption, gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments to optimize the platform for your organization's needs.
  7. Decommission WorkDocs: Once you've successfully migrated to your new solution and ensured that all data has been transferred accurately, it'll be time to finally pull the plug and decommission your WorkDocs environment. This involves removing user access, deleting any remaining data, and closing your WorkDocs account.

Partner with PCG for a Seamless Transition

As you can see, navigating the discontinuation of Amazon WorkDocs and migrating to a new solution can be a complex and time-consuming process. As a trusted migration partner, we have the expertise and experience to guide you through every step of the transition. Our team of AWS certified experts will work closely with you to assess your current WorkDocs usage, identify the best alternative solution, and develop a comprehensive migration plan tailored to your specific needs and timeline.

Get started today!

Don't wait until the day before Amazon WorkDocs is retired to start thinking about your migration. Contact us today to book a free consultation and ensure a smooth transition to your new file storage solution.

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